What Is the Best Quality Paint By Numbers Kit? | Paint Craftology
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What Is the Best Quality Paint By Numbers Kit?

Posted by raena moralidad on

What Is the Best Quality Paint By Numbers Kit?

Buying the best quality paint by numbers kit is important when you’re investing in this fun and exciting hobby.


Truth is … there are a TON of cheap and poor-quality kits out there and ordering one by mistake could leave you scrambling to figure out how to make it work.


In this post, you’ll discover how to choose the highest quality paint by numbers available, so you can enjoy your project when it arrives.


Make Sure Your Paint By Numbers Kit Has Enough Paint


It’ll be disappointing if you’re totally enthralled in creating your best work and you suddenly run out of paint.


But yesss … this can happen when you’ve purchased a low-cost kit. I mean, they need to make up for the low price somehow, right?


Many kits on the market don’t have enough paint for you to apply several coats and this means you’d need to purchase more paint.


So, try to buy your kits from a quality supplier like us so you’ll have enough paint, guaranteed!


Paint By Numbers: High Quality Kits Have Pre-mixed Paint


A surprising amount of kits on the market don’t contain pre-mixed paint, and that can get super inconvenient because it means you need to figure out exactly how much water to add.


Give it too little water and you could risk running out of paint or having it dry up. But give it too much water, and you’ll make it too thin.


The best solution is to buy paint that comes pre-mixed and ready to go.


Paint Craftology offers high quality paint by numbers kits with pre-mixed paint at the right consistency so you can relax and enjoy your hobby.


Clearly Marked Paint Pots


Imagine you’re working on your painting, and the numbers on the pots start to fade away.


That’s the problem you could run into with a low-quality kit, and then you’d be left trying to figure out which number belongs to each pot.




Buy your kits from a quality supplier instead.


Paint Craftology makes sure your numbers stay on your pot, so you’re not left in the dark when it comes time to knowing which colors to use.


Pay Attention to the Quality of the Canvas


The quality of the canvas is a biggie for most PBN enthusiasts. Several of our customers said they’d experienced a canvas so thin they could nearly poke a hole through it. Ugggh!


A good quality paint by numbers kit offers a clearly numbered, thick canvas so your final masterpiece will be wall-worthy.


Get a Design You Love


It’s all about you.


Purchase a design that doesn’t quite vibe with you, and you’ll likely be disappointed. But order a design you love, and you’ll have a ball with it.


At Paint Craftology, your voice matters. We take time to identify our customers’ favorite designs and we keep the store updated with fresh bestselling designs you’ll love to paint.



Choosing the highest quality paint by numbers kit will help you enjoy your craft when it’s time to paint. To find a high-quality kit, look for PBN kits that have plenty of pre-mixed paint, clearly marked paint pots, a thick-quality canvas, and a wide range of designs. If you’re struggling to find a good hub for your PBN hobby, and you’re ready to get the best quality paint by numbers kits, go here: Paint Craftology.